Gain first-hand insight into how to optimise your impact for sustainable success


Welcome from the chair of TEXEM, UK

As one of the UK’s leading learning platforms for Executives and organisations, TEXEM always strives to help you overcome challenges and embrace opportunities. We believe that times like this call for an unusual and innovative approach in the coming year, 2022. At a challenging time like this, due to the COVID19, social unrest, and the economic recession, organisations want leaders who can inspire the implementation of practical strategic insights, effective navigation of uncertainties and achieve sustainable success in the face of volatilities. Being a year of transition for many organisations, 2022 is undoubtedly going to have its challenges and opportunities. So, as we look forward to it with a glimmer of hope that things will hopefully improve, there are fundamental and deliberate decisions that we should brace up to make as HR leaders or for our organisation to succeed.

Significant challenges to expect include; the hurdle of managing the risks of the hybrid work model, coping with new stakeholders’ demands, thriving amidst slow or negative economic growth. Others are problems of the high level of national insecurity, low national cohesion, dramatic forex fluctuation, dwindling government and business revenue and dealing with changes in this increasingly disruptive world that we live in. As we approach 2022, we have great programmes lined up for you. We hope to inspire and equip your Executives with the requisite skills required to be strategic yet successfully deal with everyday challenges. More specifically, we have six programmes slated for 2022. Our programmes have taken to cognisant the current realities of our world, as a result of this most our programmes for the year would adopt the hybrid mode of delivery. This is to accommodate both clients who are willing to be physically present and those who prefer the virtual option due to post-pandemic realities. We could help you design customised executive development programmes tailored to reflect your organisational needs.

As usual, our programmes for 2022 are designed to fortify you with new ways of working, outperform competitors, and achieve immense profitable growth. Most importantly, each programme would be delivered by highly experienced professionals and world-leading faculty with a proven track record of delivering outstanding results, even amidst new/tough challenges. As an HR Director or CEO, our programmes will help you discover the critical needs and opportunities post the COVID-19 pandemic and E-Currency policy introduction. These programmes will also help you recover, deliver growth, and fix the effects meted on your organisation by the economic uncertainty post-pandemic.

We have curated these programmes to suit our current prevailing economic situations and conditions. And as a leading learning firm, 8TEXEM remains committed to offering you an innovative, relevant, exciting and rich portfolio of transformative programmes.

Once again, please take part in our programmes and get value for your time and money by achieving your goals more; efficiently, effectively and with more impact on your stakeholders. Remember that we have an impressive track record of excellent customer satisfaction, with over 70% of our participants always being repeat customers. Notably, 100% of TEXEM’s clients always confirm a bumper return on investment via enhanced motivation, optimised performance, and expanded personal and professional network for every programme they attend. So please, join us and enjoy our content-rich and relevant programmes post the pandemic.

Kindly contact us on +447425883791 via [email protected] for any questions that you may have.
I welcome you all!

Dr Alim Abubakre.
FIoEE & Senior Fellow, HEA,

Founder & Non-Executive Chair, TEXEM, UK

Welcome from TEXEM, UK

Our events are where our business professionals get the opportunity to share knowledge and expertise. They include talks from influencers and business leaders on pertinent management subjects such as entrepreneurship, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and other matters relevant to the prevailing business environment. 

Our speakers share their expertise as academicians and as professionals who hold or have held, senior roles in government and in the private sector. Hence, the meetings are an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand insight into the corporate world.

Most events are free. Come along to learn what we do and how we can help your organisation.


Our events are where our business professionals get the opportunity to share knowledge and expertise. They include talks from influencers and business leaders on pertinent management subjects such as entrepreneurship, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and other matters relevant to the prevailing business environment. 

Our speakers share their expertise as academicians and as professionals who hold or have held, senior roles in government and in the private sector. Hence, the meetings are an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand insight into the corporate world.

Most events are free. Come along to learn what we do and how we can help your organisation.


Dr. Graham Wilson​

Dr. Graham Wilson

Senior Tutor, University of Oxford

Mike Wilkins​

Mike Wilkins

Managing Director, Standards and Poor’s

Ambassador Peter Collecott​

Ambassador Peter Collecott

CMG Former British Ambassador in Five Continents, Chair Ambassador partnership and Special Advisor to The Prince of Wales and Sir Ambassador.

Richard Gozney​

Richard Gozney

The Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man, Former British High Commissioner to Nigeria and Former Governor and Commander in Chief of Bermuda.


Dr. Graham Wilson​

Dr. Graham Wilson

Senior Tutor, University of Oxford

Mike Wilkins​

Mike Wilkins

Managing Director, Standards and Poor’s

Ambassador Peter Collecott​

Ambassador Peter Collecott

CMG Former British Ambassador in Five Continents, Chair Ambassador partnership and Special Advisor to The Prince of Wales and Sir Ambassador.

Richard Gozney​

Richard Gozney

The Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man, Former British High Commissioner to Nigeria and Former Governor and Commander in Chief of Bermuda.

28th October 2010 - University of Cambridge


This free event addressed the impact of the UK government’s plan to introduce a £1 Billion green tax as part of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme.

Simon Brown of 2degree Network Solutions delivered the central address, arguing that companies with strategic sustainability goals will gain competitive advantages in what has been described as the “Fourth Economic Revolution.”

Other guest speakers included Cathy Taylor from Ernst & Young, Stine Jensen from Radley Yedlar, as well as Dr Beatrix Schlarb-Ridely and Dr Nicola J Dee, both from Cambridge University. 

Hundreds of students, entrepreneurs, academics, and practitioners gathered to learn about the public sector’s role in sustainability and how sustainable entrepreneurship would evolve in Britain, in light of the new legislation. They were equipped with the knowledge to conduct business in such a way as to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Why Attend this Programme?

Leaders who attend this programme will acquire tremendous skills on how to:

  • Guide decision making using risk management data to help meet organisational objectives
  • Create a mindset of risk prevention and safety while at work
  • Promote understanding when there are internal as well as external issues
  • Procure the most appropriate insurance as a way of reducing the financial impact on organisational resources during a crisis.

This programme would cover the following

  • Valuable and best practices for measuring risk
  • Assessing potential threats and turning them into opportunities
  • Identifying and responding to novel risk events
  • Protecting enterprise value
  • Responding quickly to the unexpected, consequential events.
  • Crises management


For enquiries, please call +447425883791 or email [email protected]